Why would I need a nursing hoodie?

Why would I need a nursing hoodie?

So why do you need a nursing hoodie?

Have you ever tried to breastfeed in one of your regular hoodies?

It probably went something like this...

As you hiked up your hoodie to nurse, it probably kept bunching up and falling back in your baby’s face, making it a struggle to see if they were even latched properly.

Talk about frustrating!!

Never mind the fact that your tummy was exposed, making you feel cold and uncomfortable. NO thank you.

This is why you need a nursing hoodie.

So what can you do in a nursing hoodie/nursing sweatshirt?

With a nursing hoodie, you can make your life easier in a few ways.

#1. You can breastfeed when it’s cold outside (or inside) - with a nursing sweatshirt, you can stay warm while breastfeeding your baby, because you’ll only need to unzip a small portion of your hoodie to nurse.

#2. You can breastfeed with ease - your nursing hoodie won’t bunch up on your baby’s face. With an invisible-zipper nursing hoodie, you can easily undo the zippers and nurse your baby, without your hoodie getting in the way. Then you can zip those bad boys back up just as easily. Talk about convenience!

#3. You can apply deodorant without the stains! You might find this one surprising… but with invisible zippers, you can sneakily apply your deodorant after your nursing hoodie is already on! No more deodorant stains. You're welcome.

#4. You can air out the pits. Feeling a bit sweaty? Unzip your nursing hoodie and feel the breeze!

When should you wear a nursing hoodie?

Really, whenever you want of course.

Want to wear your breastfeeding-friendly sweatshirt all-day every day? We won't judge. We might even join you!

If you're not sure when you'd wear your nursing sweatshirt, here are some ideas:

  1. When your house is on the cold side and you don’t want to turn the heat up (anyone else have high utility bills these days?!).
  2. When you’re outside in cooler temperatures.
  3. When you’re inside an air-conditioned building.
  4. On airplanes when it’s chilly but you still want to breastfeed your baby during take-off, landing or any other time during the flight.

How to style your nursing hoodie

Now keep in mind, we use the term "style" loosely here.

As moms, the majority of the time we have at least one of the following smeared on us and our clothing... snot, pee, poop, blood, spit-up, food, etc.

So feel free to wear your nursing hoodie around the house with whatever comfortable lounge pants or leggings you have so you can feel comfortable breastfeeding, applying deodorant or playing on the floor with your kids. 

If... okay, when you get snot, food, etc. on your nursing sweatshirt, simply take a damp cloth and wipe it off.

Again, no rush here. But when you'd like your nursing sweatshirt to look clean again, simply wipe off those smears and voila, it'll look brand new!

You can also wear your nursing hoodie when you're going out. You can wear it with just a nursing bra underneath, or you can add a nursing tank top or t-shirt to the mix as well.

Pair your nursing sweatshirt with leggings, jeans or any other pants you'd usually be going out in. The sleek style of this nursing hoodie will keep you looking (and more importantly, feeling) your best. 

A final toast

Here's to you.

Crushing your day-to-day in your new nursing hoodie. Loving the convenience and warmth and wondering how you ever lived without it.


Until next time,

Kelsey (aka. fellow snot-covered mom and owner of Joyleta)